Financial advisers and financial Planners -Navigate Wealth are a leading, privately and staff owned, advisory and planning practice servicing clients in Sydney and Australia wide.
No matter what your stage in life, we will help you navigate the current economic & financial waters – giving you confidence and peace-of-mind in your financial future.
We are specialists in strategy, the advice and management of self managed super funds, direct property investments, direct shares and Australian share strategies.
For financial advice from a financial planner sydney & adviser you can trust contact our office today to book a complimentary consultation at our Sydney CBD or Parramatta office (by appointment only).

Self Managed Super Funds
Self managed super funds are a great way for investors to take control of their hard earned retirement assets, gain transparency and peace of mind in where they are invested, save fees, boost returns and gain the confidence back in their super that large super funds, banks and institutions have taken for granted all these years.
At Navigate Wealth, we offer clients a complimentary consultation to discuss how a self managed super fund can help you sleep at night regardless of how the markets behave. Our founder and senior adviser, Peter Alvarez is a self managed super fund specialist adviserTM accredited by the self managed super fund association of Australia (SMSF) -the peak industry body representing Advisors, accountants and auditors specialising in Self managed super funds. To gain peace of mind and control of your super, contact our office today 1300 505 565 or click below arrange a time to meet with Peter and experience the Navigate Wealth difference